Policy & Publications
This section will help you to search for policy, publications and information on issues affecting Gypsies and Travellers. Use the filter on the left hand side to refine your search.

Overview: Solace Women’s Aids – Irish Traveller Women and Domestic Violence Conference, October 2009
In October 2009, an audience of 100 practitioners and members of the Gypsy and Traveller communities came together to discuss the importance of work with Irish Traveller Families affected by domestic violence.
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Case Studies: 1st National Conference on ‘Supporting Gypsies & Travellers Living with Domestic Violence’
On 8th May 2009, FFT held the first national conference on Supporting Gypsies and Travellers living with Domestic Violence. Find out more about the everyday experiences of victims of Domestic Abuse from Gypsy and Traveller communities by reading these case studies.
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Conference Programme: 1st National Conference on ‘Supporting Gypsies & Travellers Living with Domestic Violence’
On 8th May 2009, FFT held the first national conference on Supporting Gypsies and Travellers living with Domestic Violence.
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Conference Findings: 1st National Conference on ‘Supporting Gypsies & Travellers Living with Domestic Violence’
On 8th May 2009, FFT held the first national conference on Supporting Gypsies and Travellers living with Domestic Violence.
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Bullying Facts and Figures
Statistics suggest that Gypsy and Traveller young people are bullied more than any other ethnic minority in England. This resource describes the extent of racist bullying and what can be done about it.
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Web Project: Mapping Traditional Stopping Places
This map documents a history of traditional sites used by Travellers in Britain to offer a context within which the present crisis of accommodation can be understood and a bridge by which it can be overcome.
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Green Lanes as an Accommodation Resource for Nomadic People
The needs assessment process has so far been biased towards property development solutions to address the accommodation crisis which confront nomadic people on aregular basis. FFT Trustee Tony Thomson’s proposal sets out the argument for a commons regime rather than spatial and cultural segregation.
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Counting Gypsies & Travellers: A Review of the Gypsy Caravan Count System by the Department for Communities and Local Government
This review examines the adequacy and accuracy of the Caravan Count, ascertains the current use of the existing count data and identifies other useful data which could be collected at the same time.
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Traveller Caravan Count by the Department for Communities and Local Government
Statistical count of the number of caravans on both authorised and unauthorised sites across England. The count takes place every January and July.
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Information on Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Counts
An overview of the history and purpose of Caravan Counts.
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Legal Newsletters: Travellers Advice Team
The Travellers Advice Team provide advice, assistance and representation.
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Park Homes Law, formerly the “Caravan Sites and Mobile Home Parks: The Legal Framework”
This is the standard guide to park homes law, used by occupiers of caravans and park homes, site owners, local government, and lawyers and other professionals. The book deals fully with this specialised area of the law. It covers:
The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, The Caravan Sites Act 1968, The Mobile Homes Act 1983, and changes made to the Mobile Homes Act 1983 by the Housing Act 2004.

DIY Planning Handbook – The Land is Ours
The Land Is Ours campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources, and the decision-making processes affecting them. This useful handbook will prepare you for what to expect when applying for planning land; the appeal process, evictions, the planning system and more.
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