Policy & Publications
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Be Roma or Die Tryin’ Vimeo
The short documentary has been created by young Polish Roma refugees from East London. It is a journey through their heritage and across their city, examining Britains ignorance of Roma culture while celebrating the new life they have made for themselves.
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Be Roma or Die Tryin’ DVD
The short documentary has been created by young Polish Roma refugees from East London. It is a journey through their heritage and across their city, examining Britains ignorance of Roma culture while celebrating the new life they have made for themselves.
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Traveller Education: Accounts of Good Practice
This is a handbook for all schools that have Traveller pupils. It moves beyond the issues surrounding their low educational attainment and attendance in schools to outline good practice, based on proven success in schools.
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Traveller Education: Changing Times, Changing Technologies
This study looks at the role of Local Education Authority based Traveller Education Support Services and schools in supporting these Gypsy and Traveller children as well as the role of ICT and distance learning.
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Gypsy Traveller Students in Secondary Schools: Culture, Identity and Achievement
This research report compiled by Chris Derrington and Sally Kendall and published by Trentham Books presents findings on the attainment of Gypsy and Traveller students in Secondary Education.
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Gypsy Travellers and Education: Changing Needs and Changing Perceptions
This article explores Gypsies and Travellers’ changing views on their children’s education. Available for purchase only.
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The Value of Play
A booklet published by the Cambridgeshire Traveller Initiative, Ormiston Children and Family Trust.
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Children’s Voices: Changing Futures
A study presenting a unique insight into the needs and experiences of children and young people from Travelling communities.
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Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Boys: Strategies for Success in School
The Milton Keynes Traveller Education Services have produced a to help schools better understand specific issues facing Gypsy, Roma and Traveller boys attending school.
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Travellers listen to Travellers
This is an account by Sian Peer of a drugs information project aimed at young people, developed by and for Travelling communities within Cambridgeshire. Available on Amazon.
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Prejudice and Pride
This report and DVD by Jake Bowers and Ormiston Children and Families Trust report and DVD looks at the issues and opinions of Young Traveller children in Cambridge.
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Denied a Future? The Right to Education of Roma, Gypsy and Traveller Children in Europe.
This report, compiled by Save the Children, discusses the educational inclusion of Gypsy and Traveller children in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (including Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia) and Romania.
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Room to Roam: England’s Irish Travellers by Action Group for Irish Youth
This research project investigates the condition of the Irish Traveller community in England. It was designed to develop new information and research about the experiences of Irish Travellers in England in their relationships with health, welfare, criminal justice and educational agencies.
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Supporting the Travelling Tradition: A report on the work of EFECOT in exploring the use of distance learning environments for children
The European Federation for the Education of the Children of Occupational Travellers (EFECOT) explores the use of interactive courseware within a telematics framework, in order to strengthen supported distance learning for the large numbers of European Fairground, Circus and Bargee children.
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Improving educational outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Pupils: what works?
A research report by Anne Wilkin, Chris Derrington, Brian Foster, et al.
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