Policy & Publications
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HMP Ford Model of Good Practice for Gypsy, Traveller and Romany Report
The Ford model of Good Practice has been put together by inmates from Gypsy, Traveller, and Roma backgrounds to inspire improved practice in other prisons.
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Conference Report: Improving outcomes for offenders from Gypsy and Traveller communities
A conference report following the event hosted by Friends, Families and Travellers and the Black Training and Enterprise Group on the 21st January 2014 in Kings Cross London.
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Aiming High: Raising the Achievement of Gypsy Traveller Pupils
A Guide to Good Practice developed by the Department for Education and Skills.
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Provision and support for Traveller pupils, Ofsted, 2003
This report provides a background to the provision and support for education to Gypsy and Traveller pupils.
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Every Child Matters, Green Paper 2003
Although this Green Paper does not mention Gypsy Traveller Young People directly, the effects of the paper are multi-agency and have a direct impact. The subsequent anaylsis of the paper, saw Gypsy and Traveller Young People are often categorised as hard-to-reach young people.
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Ethnicity & Education: The Evidence on Minority Ethnic Pupils
Department for Education and Skills Research Topic Paper (RTP01-05), published January 2005 and no longer available on the gov.uk website.
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Youth Matters Department for Education and Skills Green Paper 2005
This Green Paper provides the Government’s assessment of the impact of major proposals under consideration to deliver the outcomes envisaged by the Green Paper “Youth Matters”. See page 13 to for reference to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils.
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The Education of Gypsy Traveller Learners: A survey of provision made by schools and local authorities to meet the needs of Gypsy Traveller learners, Wales, 2005
This document reports the findings from Estyns survey of provision made by schools and local authorities to meet the needs of Gypsy and Traveller learners. The report also describes aspects of good practice across Wales.
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Ethnicity and Education: The Evidence on Minority Ethnic Pupils
This topic paper by the Department for Education and Skills presents the latest statistics and research on minority ethnic pupils in the education system and updates the January 2005 topic paper.
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Race Equality in Education: Good Practice in Schools and Local Education Authorities
This survey report illustrates good practice in work on race equality and education in schools and local authorities in England.
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Bullying around Racism, Religion and Culture
This advice for schools is the first in a suite of specialist guidance on countering prejudice driven bullying in schools.
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Preventing and tackling bullying: Advice for headteachers, staff and governing bodies
This document was produced by the Department for Education to help schools prevent and respond to bullying as part of their overall behaviour policy.
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British Gypsies and Irish Travellers: Jo McGuire Photography
To view British Gypsies and Irish Travellers photos, go to the Gallere section, then select ‘Photojournalism 2’.
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Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group Gallery
Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group’s gallery of archived photos.
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Romany Gypsy Photograph Collection
Barrie Laws commercial site selling a collection of modern photographs, including of wagons and Appleby Fair.
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