Policy & Publications
This section will help you to search for policy, publications and information on issues affecting Gypsies and Travellers. Use the filter on the left hand side to refine your search.
Social Work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children
A Good Practice Guide for Social Workers to understand Gypsy, Roma and Traveller cultures and traditions to develop culturally competent practice when working with GRT families.
Access the resourceCivil Society Monitoring on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in The United Kingdom in 2012 and 2013
The Coalition government implemented multiple policies which ran counter to the aims and objectives of the EU Framework for National Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Integration Strategies. This report looks at the factors which have continued to contribute to social exclusion and the marginalisation of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities in the U.K.
View the reportRoads to Success – Economic and Social Inclusion for Gypsies and Travellers
Addressing the lack of knowledge on the socio-economic experience of Gypsy and Traveller Communities, this report looks at issues such as education, accommodation, and engagement with dominant society.
View the reportHearing the Voice of Gypsies and Travellers: The History, Development and Challenges of Gypsy and Traveller tenants and Residents’ Associations
An overview of the origins and development of tenants and residents’ associations amongst Gypsies and Travellers.
Access the resourceNegotiated Stopping & ABCD
An evaluation of the ‘Negotiated Stopping’ approach to site shortfalls in Leeds which considers the benefits for both settled and travelling communities.
Access the resourceGypsy, Roma and Traveller: the UK’s Forgotten Higher Education Minority
This report by the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER) highlights the under-representation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in higher education.
Access the resourceLack of increase in Affordable Pitches for Gypsies and Travellers in England
This report outlines the failure of government in addressing the national pitch shortage and illustrates how the DCLG and HCA figures for the net increase of pitches are misleading.
View the reportFriends, Families and Travellers Annual Report 2016 – 2017
This report gives an overview of some of the achievements that FFT have had over the 2016-2017 period in supporting Gypsies, Roma and Travellers by providing practical advice and legal support and ensuring the protection of their right to pursue a nomadic way of life.
View the reportThe Health of Gypsies and Travellers in the UK
A Race Equality Foundation Briefing Paper observing that Gypsy and Traveller communities experience poorer health than the general population. It explores barriers to accessing services, the omission of Gypsy and Traveller communities in health policy documents and examples of good practice which can be utilised across the country.
Access the resourceGypsies and Travellers in Leeds – Making a Difference – an exploratory study on the health needs of Gypsies and Travellers
A report prepared by Marianne Tavares and The Travellers Health Partnership exploring the factors influencing the health of Gypsies and Travellers living in Leeds, identifying health needs, gaps in service provision and proposing practical change to facilitate health improvement.
Access the resourceThe National Gypsy and Traveller Health Inclusion Project 2012-15
A report prepared by Friends, Families and Travellers and Leeds GATE highlighting health inequalities experienced by the Gypsy and Traveller communities with practical proposals in positive and sustainable change to policy and practice.
View the reportHealth and Social Care Briefing: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Equality and Inclusion
A presentation given at a briefing in parliament on 4th October 2017, highlighting improvements that can be made to health and social care systems to address the inequalities faced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and to achieve and maintain wellbeing.
View the reportA guide for advocates supporting Gypsy and Traveller families experiencing intervention from Children’s Services
This guide contains an analysis of difficulties experienced by Gypsy and Traveller families when engaging with Children’s Services, as identified by outreach staff and caseworkers at FFT. Each barrier identified is followed by advice on positive practice for dealing with this.
View the reportUnited Nations’ Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights in the United Kingdom, August 2017
Recommendations given by the UN to the UK on how to improve human rights. Points 134.89 – 134.92 refer to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
View the reportHow to keep your smile: Quick tips for healthy teeth
A leaflet produced by Oral Health Promotion and FFT to outline tips for healthy teeth.
View the report