Policy & Publications
This section will help you to search for policy, publications and information on issues affecting Gypsies and Travellers. Use the filter on the left hand side to refine your search.
Marc Willers of Garden Court Chambers outlines the legal obligations of local authorities to provide pitches and culturally appropriate forms of accommodation for members of the Gypsy and Traveller communities.
Read moreShelter: Good Practice Guide for Working with housed Gypsies and Travellers
A good practice guide for professionals working with housed Gypsies and Travellers.
Access the resourceHaving Somewhere to Live: A case study
A case study illustrating the importance of access to accommodation.
Read moreHaving Somewhere to Live: Unauthorised Encampments and Local Authority Site Provision
A brief overview of the Caravan Counts and information on unauthorised encampments.
Read moreHaving Somewhere to Live: Accommodation provision for Gypsies and Travellers
A brief overview of accommodation needs and challenges faced by Gypsies and Travellers.
Read moreHaving Somewhere to Live: Language
A brief overview of the language used to talk about finding a place to live.
Read moreHaving Somewhere to Live: An Introduction to the Issues
A brief overview of the issues in having somewhere to live.
Read moreEuropean Commission against Racism and Intolerance General Policy Recommendation No. 13 on Combating anti-Gypsyism and Discrimination Against Roma
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance made a list of recommendations to the governments of member states of the Council of Europe regarding Roma and Gypsy treatment and inclusion. This list of recommendations was formally adopted in Strasbourg in June 2011.
Access the resourceCouncil of Europe – Roma and Travellers
This page links to numerous European initiatives working on initiatives affecting Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. It includes the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance’s recommendations on combating anti-Gypsyism.
Access the resourceWake-up call for a giant: The EU must end discrimination against Roma
In April 2013, Amnesty International called for the European Union to sanction governments that are failing to tackle discrimination and violence against the estimated six million Roma in Europe.
Access the resourceThe UK Governments response to the EU Framework on National Roma Integration Strategies
Marc Willers and Owen Greenhall outline the insufficiency of the UK Governments response to National Roma Integration. This paper plots a timeline of when the Roma people were legally recognised as marginalised in Europe and the steps undertaken to counteract this. It then highlights the UKs insufficient response to promote Roma inclusion in this crucial time with the recent influx of members of new EU states into Britains borders.
View the reportResource Library – Publications produced by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights has published a rich library of resources which touch on Roma health, education, poverty and employment in Europe.
Access the resourceUsing EU law to tackle anti-Roma discrimination by Marc Willers and Siobhan Lloyd, Part 2
Marc Willers and Siobhán Lloyd consider how Roma people have been able to address the discrimination they face and assert their rights at a European level. This article focuses on Roma experience of taking complaints to the European Court of Human Rights and the European Committee of Social Rights.
View the reportUsing EU law to tackle anti-Roma discrimination by Marc Willers and Siobhan Lloyd, Part 1
Marc Willers and Siobhán Lloyd consider how Roma peopel have been able to address the discrimination they face and assert their rights at a European level. This article focuses on Roma experience of taking complaints to the European Court of Human Rights and the European Committee of Social Rights.
View the reportRoma Rights: An Overview
An overview of Roma rights and legal frameworks which can be used in the event of discrimination. This resource is extracted from ‘Using EU law to tackle anti-Roma discrimination by Marc Willers and Siobhin Lloyd.
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