Policy & Publications
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Friends, Families and Travellers Newsletter: January 2019
January News: FFT write to the UN, Advice for Advisors, NHS Long Term Plan and much more
Access the resourceFriends, Families and Travellers Newsletter: February 2019
February News: ‘Get tough on site provision’ , casework wins, racism post-Brexit and much more
Access the resourceFriends, Families and Travellers Newsletter: March 2019
March News: Travellers denied healthcare, RSPH Graduation Ceremony, Women and Equalities Commitee Report launch and much more
Access the resourceBreastfeeding in the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Community
A blog post exploring the low rates of breastfeeding among members of English and Welsh Gypsies and Scottish and Irish Traveller communities.
Access the resourceHow councils are abusing their powers to target vulnerable minorities
Emma Nuttall, Advice & Policy Manager at FFT blogs for Liberty on local authorities utilising PSPOs and the concerning potential for misuse and discrimination.
Access the resourceGypsies and Travellers’ experience of using urgent care services within NHS Brighton and Hove boundaries
Research investigating the use of Accident & Emergency and other urgent care services among Gypsy and Traveller comunities.
Access the resourceVoices Unheard: A study of Irish Travellers in prison
A report from the Irish Chaplaincy in Britain gathering the experiences of marginalisation among Irish Travellers in prison.
Access the resourceIs Britain Fairer? The state of equality and human rights 2018
A report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission reviewing the progress since the 2015 ‘Is Britain Fairer?’ report. More improvements are required in policy to address inequalities experienced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in the UK.
Access the resourceIs Britain Fairer? The state of equality and human rights 2015
A report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission highlighting the disadvantages experienced in multiple areas of life by members of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in the UK.
Access the resourceA gathering storm? Assessing risks of identity-based violence in Britain
A Protection Approaches report anaysing social attitudes in the context of identity, community, belonging and the vulnerability of identity-based violence.
Access the resourceLetter to Prime Minister regarding Timpson Review of social exclusion
A group letter signed by CORE (Race Equality Foundation), Friends, Families and Travellers and other race equality organisations expressing concern regarding the lack of consideration of racial inequalities in the findings of the Timpson Review of School Exclusion (2019).
View the reportClosing the employment gap for young people: A toolkit for those supporting 16 – 25 year olds experiencing common mental health problems to gain and stay in work
This toolkit is designed to support staff working with young people to understand and provide inclusive support to young Gypsies and Travellers and other groups disproportionately affected by mental health and/or struggles accessing work.
Access the resourceOverlap between mental health problems and employment issues for young people aged 16-24: A scoping review
Friends, Families and Travellers have contributed to this scoping review which provides an overview to the relationship between young people’s mental and emotional wellbeing and their ability to obtain and maintain work.
Access the resourceFriends Families and Travellers and GATE Herts written information for the examination of the UK State party’s report to the 66th Cycle of the United Nations Committee Against Torture
This submission to the United Nations Convention Against Torture highlights the UK government’s failure to take sufficient preventative measures to protect Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities from hate crime.
Access the resourceNo room at the inn: How easy is it for nomadic Gypsies and Travellers to access primary care?
A report outlining findings of a mystery shopping exercise carried out by Friends, Families and Travellers to ascertain if GP practices were complying with their duty to register people with no fixed address or identification.
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