Policy & Publications
This section will help you to search for policy, publications and information on issues affecting Gypsies and Travellers. Use the filter on the left hand side to refine your search.
Friends, Families and Travellers submission to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Call for Evidence on Ethnic Disparities and Inequality in the UK
This response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities’ call for evidence sets out ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK for Gypsy and Traveller people.
Access the resourceHow to tackle health inequalities in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities: A guide for health and care services
This Friends, Families and Travellers guide, designed for decision makers and people working in health and care services will help your organisation tackle health inequalities experienced by Gypsies, Roma and Travellers through developing cultural awareness and sharing good practice.
View the reportFriends, Families and Travellers and the National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups’ submission to the Public Services Committee Inquiry ‘Public Services: lessons from coronavirus’
Friends, Families and Travellers and the National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups’ submission to the Public Services Committee Inquiry ‘Public Services: lessons from coronavirus’, calling for scrutiny and to hold the Government to account for their treatment of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.
View the reportAn Avoidable Crisis: The disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
Baronness Doreen Lawrence’s review of the impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities includes submissions from community groups and individuals including Friends, Families and Travellers.
Access the resourceFriends, Families and Travellers Annual Report 2020
This report gives an overview of some of the achievements that FFT have had over the 2020 period in supporting Gypsies, Roma and Travellers by providing practical advice and legal support and ensuring the protection of their right to pursue a nomadic way of life.
A research paper: Suicide Prevention in Gypsy and Traveller communities in England
An analysis of local suicide prevention plans in England to see whether the high suicide rate in Gypsy and Traveller communities has been identified and mitigated against on a local level.
View the reportBriefing Paper: Supporting legal action related to COVID-19 and unauthorised encampments
Briefing paper containing legal advice on the situation of Gypsies and Travellers on unauthorised encampments during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic and during the period of lockdown.
View the reportInfographic: 7 ways to reduce health inequalities for people living with frailty
This infographic sets out seven ways in which commissioners, service providers and health, care and support staff can improve diagnosis of and support for frailty amongst populations experiencing health inequalities.
View the reportReducing Health Inequalities for People Living with Frailty: A resource for commissioners, service providers and health, care and support staff
This resource shares practical recommendations and examples of how commissioners, service providers and health, care and support staff can successfully overcome barriers to healthcare for people at greater risk of frailty, including people experiencing deprivation, people who are homeless, people from Gypsy and Traveller communities, and more.
View the reportThe Missing Voices of Disabled Gypsies and Travellers
A film commissioned by the University of Worcester with Shaping Our Lives, looking at the experiences of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community members living with disabilities and exploring how these voices could be heard in key policy forums.
Access the resourceA research paper: Suicide Prevention in Gypsy and Traveller communities in England
An analysis of local suicide prevention plans in England to see whether the high suicide rate in Gypsy and Traveller communities has been identified and mitigated against on a local level.
Access the resourceFriends, Families and Travellers submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights – The Government’s response to COVID-19: human rights implications
This submission highlights how the Government response to Covid-19 has failed to ensure the protection of the rights of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers under Article 2 Right to education, Article 8 Respect for private and family life in conjunction with Article 14 Protection from discrimination of the Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998.
View the reportWebinar: Supporting communities at the sharp edge of inequality during Covid-19
This webinar discussed some challenges faced by Inclusion Health groups during Covid-19 and ways in which health and social care services and local authorities can ensure members of these groups receive the support they need.
Access the resourceFriends, Families and Traveller submission to Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry ‘Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics’
This submission by FFT to the Women and Equalities Committee in April 2020 lists the key issues faced by members of Gypsy and Traveller communities in the Government response to the coronavirus pandemic.
View the reportA time to quit: Experiences of smoking cessation support among people with severe mental illness
We contributed to this Health and Wellbeing Alliance report which found people experiencing severe mental illness are as willing to quit smoking as other smokers but require additional support to be successful.
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